What’s Wrong with Tikkun?

I’ve been asked what on earth is wrong with Tikkun ministries that I should spend so much time exposing them. Isn’t Tikkun just a Messianic organisation, comprised both of people you would and would not agree with? Why always warn against them? Why the obsession? Shouldn’t they be left alone now?

Well, below I’ll outline the four main reasons why I believe anyone should be staying away from Tikkun.

1. Salvation According to Tikkun Doesn’t Require Faith in Jesus

Please read the following articles before raising objections:

The articles above prove that Tikkun’s founder, Daniel Juster, and other recognised leaders and teachers in Tikkun, don’t believe you have to believe in Jesus to be saved. They make allowances for believing in the next life (yes, coming to faith after death), or being saved through Christ’s redemptive work without necessarily having to believe in Him yourself (Unconscious Mediation), or having “indirect” faith in Him, etc.

Apart from the articles above, I’ve learned that this is the prevailing attitude within Tikkun (and, to be fair, within Messianic Jewish circles in general). For instance, I tried to convince one of Tikkun’s local Israeli pastors that faith in Jesus “in this life” is required in order to be saved but he begged we agree to disagree. Also, in a conversation with the son of one of Tikkun’s “apostles”, he thought my attitude toward having to believe in Jesus in order to be saved (and having to believe that Jesus is God, for that matter) was “too dogmatic”. Is it any wonder they associate with heretics such as Joseph Shulam and company?

People who hadn’t done their research asked Tikkun if this accusation is true. “Of course you can only be saved through Jesus”, was Tikkun’s reply. Tikkun are masters at speaking out of both sides of their mouths. What they didn’t say is that even when one doesn’t believe in Jesus, he could possibly be saved “through Jesus”, i.e., through His redemptive work, without having to believe.

When I exposed Dan Juster’s views on salvation in an Israeli elder’s forum, one of Tikkun’s leaders, Ron Cantor, said in defence that I’m referring to a book that Juster published decades ago. In other words, it’s irrelevant. “Old news”. In answer to this, I make a few points:

Firstly, you cannot be a leading “apostle” and consider heretical views you published as irrelevant because you published them a few decades ago. That doesn’t cut. Secondly, the same book with Juster’s heretical views (“Jewish Roots”) was republished a few decades later with a new cover and very few editorial changes (like changing the word “Jesus” to “Yeshua” in many places). The parts of the book regarding his doctrine of salvation were left entirely intact, showing he hadn’t changed his view one bit. So Cantor’s quick response was just another spin doctor’s trick.

But thirdly, and more importantly, Dan Juster had since written an article for Kesher Journal titled“The Narrow Wider Hope”. Judging by this Kesher article, Juster’s opinions regarding salvation have only broadened over time to include such people as Ramanuja. This fits in with Juster’s utmost adoration for Dallas Willard, who absolutely ridiculed and scoffed at the view that one can only be saved through faith in Jesus.

Ramanuja’s OK

Let me spell this out very clearly: Dan Juster, the founder and chief apostle of Tikkun, is a heretic.

If you read this article no further, this criterion by itself should be sufficient to totally reject Tikkun and have no cooperation with them as an organisation (although it would be good to try to “save out of the fire” individuals from within Tikkun, Jude 1:23, James 5:20, Galatians 6:1).

2. Involvement with Hyper Charismatics

Tikkun are highly involved, in multiple ways, directly and indirectly, with the worst people and demonic phenomena in the Hyper Charismatic movement. This shows that they are at least complicit in these things, if not fully approving of them.

Covenant with Ché Ahn

Ché Ahn was one of the “apostles” who went to lay hands on Todd Bentley. Todd Bentley, for those of you who don’t know, is the tattooed star of the Lakeland “revival” who bragged that the Holy Spirit had told him to kick an old lady in the face with his biker boot so that she gets healed. He kicked multiple people in the stomach during his revivals, including a stage 4 colon cancer patient left bent and gasp ing on the stage. Violent criminals such as Todd Bentley should have letters of warning about them sent to all the churches so that believers have nothing to do with him. Instead of that, Ché Ahn et al. think he’s doing a marvellous work of God and fly over to Lakeland to publicly lay hands on him, prophesying that he will start a world revival. Less than 48 hours after this prophecy, Todd Bentley left his family and ran off with a trainee he was having an affair with. This was not his last scandal.

Todd Bentley. No, it’s not a punk – it’s a minister.

The false prophecies about Todd Bentley not only make people like Ché Ahn a false prophet, they prove Ché Ahn to be a despicable man and a blasphemer, because he publicly approves of the most violent and sadistic acts and ascribes them to the Holy Spirit.

Ché Ahn’s public approval of Todd Bentley, however, was no hindrance for Tikkun “apostles” to make a covenant with him. Please bear in mind that Scripture will not have us tolerate or associate with false teachers. The Scriptures tell us that even greeting a false teacher is the same as taking part in his deeds (2 John 1:9-11). Yet Tikkun leadership declare a spiritual partnership of the highest level with Ché Ahn by signing a “covenant” with him (not that we are to make covenants with people, but that’s another story).

Tikkun’s involvement at different levels, with Ché Ahn and other Hyper Charismatics, is outlined in a video I produced which became viral in the Messianic community in Israel (narrated in Hebrew but with English subtitles). I know many within Tikkun watched it and later contacted me to affirm most, or even all, that was presented in it. Some had left their congregations.

Tikkun’s “Covenant” with Ché Ahn
Signed by “Apostle Daniel Juster”
And “Apostle Ché Ahn”

Ché Ahn, with whom Tikkun signed a Covenant, also takes part in scary demonic activities himself. If you watch the video I produced where I review “Voice of the Apostles” (sorry, that video of mine is only in Hebrew but you can still get the gist of it), you will see how, after Ché Ahn lays hands on trainees, they screech in terror or pain, gnash their teeth, and jump and shake uncontrollably. Since the Scripture ascribes this kind of behaviour to demonic possession only (Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-40), I have no apology or hesitation in saying it’s not the work of the Holy Spirit but demonic activity. Tikkun “apostles”, however, fully approve of Ché Ahn and his demonic work.

Did Tikkun, who are prolific and opinionated writers, ever publish anything against Todd Bentley during the time he was a star? It doesn’t seem so. One of Tikkun’s so called apostles claimed to have expressed his dissatisfaction with Todd Bentley’s actions, but no such evidence has arrived with me to date. We would want to see where such a disapproval was published, when it was published and to have the exact text used – not only rely on Tikkun’s claims.

Heidi Baker

Ché Ahn is not the only Shaman they approve of. Tikkun “Apostle” Asher Intrater appears on stage with Heidi Baker , the same woman who, after touching a young boy in Bethel Redding on the head, sees him screeching and wriggling on the floor in terror while she gleefully says “he got it!” (video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQHsgY5EzVc) . She’s accustomed to doing such things (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMibYOjOAsM). Yet, Tikkun highly approves of her. And she, too, was doing “ministry” with Todd Bentley.

Toronto Blessing

This is not to mention the Toronto Blessing they all approve of, viewing it as a move of the Spirit. The Toronto Blessing is that same mocking spirit that causes crowds to laugh uncontrollably and mimic animal sounds and behaviour, among other things. Kenneth Hagin, the father of the Prosperity gospel, had a part in spreading the Toronto Blessing in his own church. He is considered by Asher Intrater to be one of the most influential people in his life.

In defense, some Tikkunites say “we don’t exhibit such behaviour in our congregations here in Israel”. That is not true. I’ve heard separate accounts from people who saw Eitan Shishkoff take part in “slaying in the spirit”, i.e. causing people to fall on the floor or falling himself, supposedly being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit, in Or HaCarmel congregation. He did so whether with or without his associate Sid Roth. But even if it were true, that this is not the norm in their congregations, Ron Cantor, who is high up in Tikkun, considers the Toronto demon-fest a spiritual revival; Dan Juster claims to have experienced this “blessing” and all the false teachers whom they freely associate with, and approve of, promote this “blessing”.

Let it be clear that if your pastor cannot say clearly, without stuttering, that he rejects the Toronto Blessing, then you should steer away from a congregation led by himand seek another. There is no middle ground. Toronto Blessing is a watershed line in assessing where a person is spiritually. Toronto Blessing is either from the Spirit of God or from the Devil. There are no other options. You have to choose which way you go.

It is sometimes replied that “those who are writing against Tikkun are against the gifts of the Spirit – they are cessationists”. Not exactly true. Tikkun is opposed by both Pentecostals and Cessationists. Our objections are not anti-Pentecostal in nature. In fact, the body of Messiah for many years had a blessed cooperation between elders and congregations from different backgrounds – Pentecostal and non-Pentecostal. We exchanged speakers and cooperated and helped each other in different ways. There was unity in the body that I used to boast of to believers abroad. If anything, it would actually be Tikkun who carry a great responsibility for muddying the waters of this unity with their calls for “unity under apostolic leadership”, going as far as making it a prerequisite for Christ’s second coming!

Mike Bickle and IHOP

Here’s another aspect of their involvement: Mike Bickle and IHOP. Before Bickle’s being exposed as (yet another) immoral man, Tikkun had a deep and long standing relationship with Mike Bickle and IHOP that goes back to his and their days with the Kansas City Prophets. They promoted each other and cooperated a lot. Was it not enough that he was part of the Kansas City Prophets to back away from him? Was it not enough he claims to have had wild visitations to heaven, being taken for a tour around heaven on a chariot, then standing before God, chuckling light-heartedly while God was trying to call his attention until God got impatient and threw him out of heaven – “Ahhhhhh” back to his bed, then back up again later, etc.? Are these wild stories not enough to shun someone like Bickle? On the contrary, Tikkun adored the Kansas City Perverts (sorry, I meant Prophets), a good number of whom were involved in sexual scandals, including their beloved Paul Cain and Bob Jones, who publicly approved of Todd Bentley. In fact, Bob Jones took part in Todd Bentley’s restoration to “ministry” after the latter’s adulterous affair, before yet another sex scandal broke out involving both himself and his new wife. Note, Bob Jones is one of the people Tikkun’s leaders absolutely admire.

As I write these lines, another scandal breaks out with a very close associate of Tikkun, Michael Brown – another so-called prophet whom Tikkun failed to discern.

I would have expected that “five-fold” ministers like the Tikkun ‘apostles’ should be able to discern an immoral man pretty quickly. Somehow, though, it’s those pesky baptist fundamentalists, those who “don’t believe in the gifts”, who are more quick to discern and punish immoral conduct in their churches.


This is not to mention Tikkun’s involvement with Patricia King, who is as wild a charismatic as it gets. One such example is her “turning into an ox in the spirit”; false teacher Todd White; Juster’s endorsment of Stacey Campbell’s book – the same shaking prophetess who prophesied over Todd Bentley and who is part of Ché Ahn’s ministry. Patricia King also approved of Todd Bentley.

Todd White

Now, the things mentioned about Tikkun’s involvement with Hyper Charismatics are merely what I know from limited research as someone outside of Tikkun. I’ve only just scratched the surface and can safely assume that their involvement runs much deeper than I am aware of. In any case, it’s clear that, when dealing with Tikkun, we’re not dealing with a mild Pentecostal movement. Tikkun’s connections, aspirations and involvements are all Hyper Charismatic in nature – no less than that!

Two appropriate sayings in this context:

  • Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are. And,
  • Birds of a feather flock together.

3. Dominion Theology

Tikkun is not ashamed of their belief in Dominion Theology. It’s an essential part of their set of Charismatic doctrines and it has two aspects.

The first aspect is their belief that God needs permission to operate on earth. In the movie God Needs Permission I show how Tikkun’s Dominion theology is no better than Dominion Theology’s worst forms. Basically, the movie uncovers their belief that God cannot operate on earth without receiving some sort of “permission” from man, otherwise He would be trespassing the dominion He gave to man. “The earth He has given to the children of men”, they say (Psalm 115:16). Please watch the movie to understand a little more about this.

The second aspect is that they think that we have to conquer the land for Christ and prepare His kingdom for Him before He comes – otherwise He cannot come. Engineering this kingdom takeover will be the latter day apostles, i.e. people such as Juster, Intrater et al.. Part of this takeover will require getting believers to take over the banks, the army, etc., for Christ. It’s as crazy as it sounds. The documentation for this is found in an article I wrote, based on the invaluable information provided by Andy Gould in his article “And They Shall Reign Upon the Earth”. If anyone within Tikkun should claim they disagree with this theology then my answer would be: this is what your leaders say, so if you disagree you should break off from Tikkun.

This aspect of their Dominion theology is also expressed in TJCII, which is my next and last item.

4. TJCII and Ecumenism

Tikkun’s founder, Dan Juster, is part of an attempt to make a second Jerusalem Council, like the one documented in Acts 15 (yes, I know it sounds crazy). That is why he and some others set up an organisation called TJCII, initials for “Toward Jerusalem Council II”. According to their dreams, this council will involve the Catholic and the Orthodox churches as well and will be the highest authority for appeals and, in fact, the highest authority over Christians worldwide. They want to move the centre of control from Rome to Jerusalem and include all streams, not just Catholicism. To that end they have been meeting up, over the many years, with prominent Catholic figures, whom they regard as “their brothers and sisters”, to work toward this goal. Dan Juster even met with pope Benedict XVI (before he became a pope).

To understand the ins and outs of TJCII in context of Tikkun’s greater vision, you might want to read the careful research of brother Shimon Amit from Jerusalem. Amit was an elder in a Pentecostal congregation at the time he wrote about his research on Tikkun (he since left that church and is leading a home meeting). TJCII is part of Dan Juster’s broader vision for Tikkun and for Christendom. The mere fact they think there can be a second Jerusalem Council is sheer audacity – flying at the face of God. Juster and his friends don’t have a shred of Biblical basis for it – the basis was supposed to have been given by inspiration to Marty Waldman. But such a project undermines the authority of Scripture and should in itself cause anyone to stay miles away from Juster and Tikkun.

“Father” Vasile Mihoc – part of TJCII

Individuals from within Tikkun might feel uncomfortable with it and say “Oh, we don’t care for all that TJCII business”. But at the end of the day, TJCII is part of Tikkun’s broader vision of restoration and is an ongoing project of Tikkun’s founder, Dan Juster. It is approved of, even if only by silence, by all its leadership and, as stated, aligns with their vision for “restoration”. For example, you can’t be a Freemason and say you don’t really care what the higher ranks in your organisation are up to. If what they’re up to is wrong, you must leave it. Therefore, if Tikkun’s head is sick then the head should be replaced, or you as an individual must leave the organisation, even if they have scared you from leaving by binding you to a covenant or threatening you’ll “lose your covering”.

These are the four main things which, in my opinion, should cause anyone to stay away from Tikkun.

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